Regular Users

Chrishall Carpet Bowls Club

Chrishall Carpet Bowls Club meets on the second Wednesday of the month in
the Chapel Hall of the Village Hall from 7.30 to 9.30 pm.

We have two mats, bowls and all the equipment required.

All are welcome and tuition can be given for what is an enjoyable and fun

Please contact Mike Dearman on 01763 838027 for further information or just
attend one of our sessions.

Chrishall Women’s Institute

Chrishall Women’s Institute meets in the South Hall on the third Wednesday of every month (except August) at 7.30pm.

At most meetings we have a speaker on subjects which are many and varied. There is also the opportunity to take part in the many activities, day-schools and outings organised by Cambridge Federation of Women’s Institutes. Guests are always welcome to come and see what we are about.

Church Services

  • Family Service – 1st Sunday of each month at Chrishall Village Hall.
  • 10.40am with Sunday Clubs, Children’s Corner and refreshments after the service.

All very welcome!

Church Mice

  • Held every second and fourth Wednesday of each month at Chrishall VillageHall at 10.30 am for children aged 0-4 years.

A fun packed hour of stories, songs, craft, playing and of course a tasty snack!

Catch Up Cafe

First Monday of the month at the Village Hall (second Monday if the first is a Bank Holiday) between 10.30am and 12.
Join us for tea, coffee, cake and a chat.
For further information please contact Jenny Rodda on 838936.
We look forward to seeing you. ALL WELCOME!

Pilates classes

9.45am Beginner / Improver Level
10.45am Intermediate Level
Cost: £10 per class (payable in advance 1/2 termly – to secure your place)
Contact Chloe on: 07753134931 / /

Pilates is a unique and holistic method of exercise devised by Joseph
Pilates in the 1920’s aiming to improve flexibility, posture, strength,
control and stamina throughout the entire body with prominence on quality
not quantity through precision, yielding strength from control of muscular
movement through stability. Emphasis is placed on these 8 essential
ingredients: relaxation, co-ordination, alignment, stamina, centring,
concentration, breathing and flowing movements – known as the basic
principles of Pilates to promote muscle and skeletal functioning throughout
the whole body from deep within the core muscles to the extremities of the
limbs along with a feeling of wellbeing and an awareness of working your
body in harmony as a whole.

Society of Chrishall Artists (SOCA)

The start:

The Society was founded by Caroline Fookes and Helen Melville-Smith in 2005. After a successful Masterclass with local artist Geraldine Rand a group of artistic villagers asked Caroline and Helen to set up a series of practical art classes in the village.

This year:

We currently have 16 members and hold ten evening meetings (7.30pm to 10.00pm) a year in the South Village Hall. Cost per person is £15 for the year commencing in February which covers hall rental and refreshments. Additional fees may be charged when we have to pay for a tutor or extra materials. You may join any time during the year and the fees will be apportioned. Some sessions have a theme and others are open for the members to paint or create whatever they would like. We also have sketching evenings out and about in the village when the nights are lighter. We try to arrange trips to visit art exhibitions, studios and other art related events in addition to our programme, not to mention our annual Christmas dinner – normally held in January!

If you would like to join us either come along to one of our meetings (list on the Village Hall notice board) or contact Helen for further details:

Helen Melville-Smith Email:

Facebook page:

Yoga Classes With Chanting Stork Yoga

  • TUESDAY 19:30-20:30
  • FRIDAY 09:15-10:15
  • SATURDAY 09:00-10:00

Open level vinyasa flow, with appropriate modifications depending on experience and fitness levels. Designed to work with soft music and create a balance between, body, mind and breath. GOAL OF YOGA The practice is for you, yourself, as you are.  You don’t have to be super flexible, super fit, superwoman or even superman. I will offer modifications and alternatives so my classes are suitable if you are a beginner wishing to dip your toes into yoga or an experienced yogi on an ongoing journey. The practice offers you a zone to be free from noise in your busy lives and focus on you: To work with your body.To let go of tension.To free your mind.To create space. Space to breathe, space to be. A happy, fitter and healthier you. Classes aim to have a positive impact on your, fitness, well-being, reduce stress and anxiety.

Chanting Stork Yoga Contacts

Contact: Rebecca Agouropoulos

