Terms & Conditions


Registered Charity no 301281


Any person, who must be 18 years of age or over, wishing to hire the Hall(s), shall complete a HIRING AGREEMENT between the Chrishall Village Hall Management Committee and the Hirer, in the form prescribed.

When signed on behalf of the Committee by the Bookings Secretary, the Committee agrees to permit the Hirer to use the premises for the purpose and period(s) stated, subject to the conditions set out below:

  1. The Hirer shall, during the period of the hiring, be responsible for supervision of the Hall(s) hired, the fabric and the contents, their care, safety from damage, however slight, or from change of any sort, and the behaviour of all persons using the premises, whatever their capacity, including proper supervision of car parking arrangements, so as to avoid obstruction of the highway or access to adjoining properties.
  2. The Hirer shall not use the premises (including the car park) for any purpose other than that described in the Hiring Agreement and shall not sub-hire or use the premises, or allow the premises to be used for any unlawful purpose, or in any unlawful way, nor do anything or bring on to the premises anything which might endanger the same or any insurance policies in respect thereof. The Hirer must ensure that smoking and vaping are not permitted anywhere inside the Hall.
  3. The Hirer shall inform the Bookings Secretary before completing this form if alcohol is to be sold on the premises during his/her booking of the Hall. The Hirer will be responsible for applying for a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) to Uttlesford District Council’s Licensing department but must not do this without the Committee’s prior consent.
  4. The Hirer shall note that the premises are only licensed for music, dancing, and other similar entertainment until 10:30pm Sunday to Thursday, and 11:30pm Friday and Saturday; any entertainment after this time will require an application for a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) to Uttlesford District Council’s Licensing department by the Hirer with the Committee’s prior consent.

Whenever amplified sound is played after 10.30 pm, the Hirer shall ensure that all windows and doors are kept closed.

  1. The Hirer shall inform the Bookings Secretary before completing this form if a bouncy castle is to be used during the booking. The Hall is not insured for bouncy castles and an additional set of hiring conditions will be issued, including the need for evidence of a certificate of insurance from the hirer.
  2. The Hirer shall not set off fireworks inside or outside the hall as the Committee’s insurance does not cover the use of fireworks.
  3. The Hirer shall comply with all conditions and regulations made in respect of the premises by the Fire Authority, Local Authority, or otherwise, as follows:- at all times during the period of hire the Hirer shall ensure all main exit doors and fire exit doors are unlocked and unbolted, push-bar mechanism tested and in good working order, fire extinguishers are in place and unobstructed, and all escape routes are free of obstruction and can be safely used for instant free public exit. In the event of a fire the hall must be evacuated in an orderly manner using the appropriate exits, and the fire brigade called dialling 999. The Hirer must report all incidents to the Committee.
  4. The Hirer shall indemnify the Committee for the cost of repair on any damage done to any part of the property including the outside areas, or the contents of the building which may occur during the period of the hiring because of the hiring.
  5. At the end of the hiring, the Hirer shall be responsible for leaving the Hall(s) in a clean, tidy and safe condition, doors, windows and fire exits properly locked and secured, any contents temporarily removed from their usual positions properly replaced, and lights switched off, otherwise the Committee shall be at liberty to make an additional charge, or any deposit paid will not be returned. It is the hirer’s responsibility to remove from the premises all rubbish generated during the booking.
  6. If the Hirer wishes to cancel the booking before the date of the event and the Committee is unable to conclude a further booking, any deposit will be refunded provided at least 4 weeks’ notice has been given; otherwise, any repayment shall be at the discretion of the Committee. Regular hirers must give at least 7 days’ notice of cancellation of a session, otherwise the fee will be payable for that session.
  7. The Committee reserves the right to cancel this hiring in the event of the Hall being required for use as a Polling Station for a Parliamentary or Local Government election or by election, in which case the Hirer shall be entitled to a full refund of any deposit already paid.
  8. In the event of the Hall(s) or any part thereof being rendered unfit for the use for which it has been hired, the Committee shall not be liable to the Hirer for any resulting loss or damage whatsoever.

Revised April 2024